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Monday - August 26, 2024

Not-So-Silent Movie Night

Let's drive our silent cars to see a silent movie! One of the events on the Summer Organ Festival schedule is a screening of Buster Keaton's Steamboat Bill Jr. accompanied by the Spreckels Organ.

We'll start with a no host dinner, watch the movie, and end the evening with a light show in the parking lot.

Expected schedule

6:15   Help set up dinner tables in east colonnade area
6:30   Eat bring-your-own picnic dinner
7:20   Sunset
7:30   Organ program starts
8:00   Movie starts (popcorn anyone?) Run time of 1hr 10min.
9:15   Light show in parking lot


A pleasant evening was had by all. Entertainment has certainly changed over the past hundred years. Slapstick comedy has transformed into TikTok fail videos. Dolby surround sound has replaced an organist playing non-stop for over an hour. It was notable too that we were watching a black & white 1928 movie while we could see modern jets in the distance on their approach to Lindberg Field.

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