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Tuesday - June 18, 2024

Tire Talk

By popular demand, we're doing a Tire Talk to learn what's new and different about choosing tires for a Tesla. This is a reprise of an event we held almost two years ago. Since then there are many more EVs on the road and subsequent tire wear.

Sam Cooper of Discount Tire has agreed to keep his store open late so we can come hear about tire options. Do you want a soft ride or long mileage? We'll have show-n-tell as well as Q&A.

Discount Tire
883 East H St, Chula Vista, CA 91910
7 pm

We plan on making this a hybrid meeting permiting participation via Zoom. Indicate your preference when registering so we can get you the link.


We had a good in person showing and several joined via Zoom. Sam spoke for over an hour and fielded many questions. Many more manufacturers have entered the space offering tires for EVs. Choice of tires for an EV must factor in noise, rolling resistance, traction, tire wear, etc.

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