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Saturday - May 4, 2024

Dinner and Light Show is organizing a world wide Tesla light show to celebrate May the 4th. It will be at 9 pm local time, starting in New Zealand and ending in Hawaii. They will be providing a special show file just for the event.

Join us at 7 pm for a group dinner at the future Superchargers in the Fenton Parkway Costco parking lot. It will be a take-out picnic in the parking lot. There are over ten eateries on the lot perimeter to choose from. This will give us a chance to discuss all the latest Tesla news and share a meal.

Mark from RPM Tesla will be joining us with some door prizes. He will also be showing off their new Under Glow Lighting and giving us an extra low discount price on it!

At 8:30 we'll prep our cars for the show. At 9 pm we'll hit the start button and take it all in. The more cars, the more impressive the show.



We had a great turnout - over 40 cars and over 100 people. Every Tesla model was represented including several Cybertrucks. Even Tesla was there giving test drives of the Model S Plaid and the Model 3 refresh. Mark of RPM Tesla was there with his tricked out Cybertruck and lots of door prizes.

Video courtesy of Maurice Naragon (RPM Tesla).

Video courtesy of Edgar Bautista.

CLICK HERE to see the worldwide video compiled by xlightshows

Tesla Owners Club of San Diego is an independent enthusiast organization and is not affiliated with Tesla, Inc. or its subsidiaries. TESLA, MODEL S, MODEL X, MODEL 3, MODEL Y, CYBERTRUCK, TESLA SEMI, TESLA ROADSTER, POWERWALL, SOLAR ROOF, and the “TESLA,” “T” and “TESLA and T Flag” designs, and certain other marks, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Tesla, Inc. in the United States and other countries.”
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