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New Date - TBD

Taylor Guitars Tour - Postponed

Join us for a private tour of the Taylor Guitar factory.

The Taylor Guitars factory tour takes guests through the steps of acoustic guitar construction. From wood selection to final assembly, guests will experience each process as a guitar evolves from raw wood into a finished instrument. You will also have an opportunity to visit the TaylorWare store. Here you will find everything for the Taylor fan, from apparel to gift items to replacement guitar parts. The tour lasts approximately one hour and 15 minutes and departs from the main building at 1980 Gillespie Way in El Cajon, California. This is a walking tour and involves a few stairs.

Our tour starts at 10am

This private tour is limited to the first 30 people that RSVP.

Please REGISTER by e-mail to by ????? and include:

  • Name (First & Last)
  • Number of participants

? Lunch ?

It will be just about time for lunch when the tour ends. Maybe we can keep the conversations going over lunch. If you would like to "do lunch", please note the fact when you register. Restaurant suggestions are needed as well.

Feel free to add any ideas or suggestions.
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