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Sunday - June 9, 2019

Ramona Drive, Picnic
and Winery/Art Garden

Join us for a car caravan, picnic and a visit to a vineyard/winery with amazing outdoor artwork.


Event Schedule

????   Leave home
10:45   Arrive at meetup point
            California Bank and Trust
        1024 Graves Avenue
        El Cajon 92020
11:00   Start scenic drive to Dos Picos Park
~11:30   Arrive at park (bring $3 cash for parking)
    Potluck Picnic
~12:45   Drive to Rashelica Winery (about 2 miles)
    Optional wine tasting and wander through art garden
    Leave for home at your leisure

Please REGISTER by e-mail to by Wednesday, June 5th and include:

  • Name (first & Last)
  • Number of car occupants


The drive

We will meet in the parking lot of the California Bank and Trust at 1024 Graves Avenue in El Cajon at 10:45 AM. From there we will caravan to Dos Picos County Park in Ramona (a 22 mile drive). If you do not wish to caravan to the park, you can meet us there around 11:30 AM.

Dos Picos Park

When you arrive at the park, be sure to use the picnic entrance (NOT the campground entrance). There is a parking fee of $3 cash. There are several picnic areas. Our plan is to use the picnic tables under the trees in Area 2 just past the restroom. In addition to picnic tables and restrooms there are play areas and sports fields.

Visit the park web site for more information.

Picnic logistics

Bring a dish to share (with serving utensils), plates, glasses and silverware for your own use and a beverage to drink.

Rashelica Winery and Art Garden

Here you can have a glass of wine while enjoying the beautiful views, have a wine tasting experience or just wander around and see the amazing and extensive outdoor art collection set against sweeping view of Ramona Valley. They have live music after 1 PM. You can even enjoy a game of bocce ball or garden chess (with 3 feet pieces!).

Visit the winery web site for more information.

Feel free to add any ideas or suggestions.
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