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August 16, 2016

6:00pm - 8:00pm

Tesla and Other Green Stocks

As Tesla owners/enthusiasts we are all inherently stakeholders of this revolutionary company and have a vested interest in its success. Many of us are also stockholders closely following TSLA on the ticker. Another common attribute shared by Tesla owners is an interest in sustainable living and the issues recently detailed in Elon's Master Plan.

At this exclusive event we have the good fortune of having an expert in the field formally known as Sustainable Investing share his thoughts on the investment outlook of Tesla and other socially responsible companies.

Speaker: Bruno Bertocci, Senior Portfolio Manager of the UBS Global Asset Management Global Sustainable Equity Strategy. Bruno joined UBS in 1998 and represents the firm on the Global Initiative for Sustainability Ratings, the US Social Investment Forum, and the financial services expert committee of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board.

Please RSVP to as soon as possible so we can provide UBS with a head count.

UBS - Carmel Valley office
12220 El Camino Real, 4th floor
San Diego, CA 92130
(Free parking in front and behind building)
Tesla Owners Club of San Diego is an independent enthusiast organization and is not affiliated with Tesla, Inc. or its subsidiaries. TESLA, MODEL S, MODEL X, MODEL 3, MODEL Y, TESLA SEMI, TESLA ROADSTER, POWERWALL, SOLAR ROOF, and the “TESLA,” “T” and “TESLA and T Flag” designs, and certain other marks, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Tesla, Inc. in the United States and other countries.”
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