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October 1, 2014

Tesla Autobody Repair

SDG&E Energy Innovation Center
4760 Clairemont Mesa Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92117

Amato's Auto Body is the only Tesla certified shop in San Diego. Paul Amato gave a detailed presentation on what it takes to repair a high tech aluminum car. He had lots of props including body panels, tools and bonding material. We also had a demonstration of popping out dents.
Tesla Owners Club of San Diego is an independent enthusiast organization and is not affiliated with Tesla, Inc. or its subsidiaries. TESLA, MODEL S, MODEL X, MODEL 3, MODEL Y, CYBERTRUCK, TESLA SEMI, TESLA ROADSTER, POWERWALL, SOLAR ROOF, and the “TESLA,” “T” and “TESLA and T Flag” designs, and certain other marks, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Tesla, Inc. in the United States and other countries.”
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